AVAILABLE ON AMAZON MARCH 24, 2017 BLURB Peace is hard to find when you’ve got a crazy ex-husband who just won’t let you go. Berkeley...

What Makes A Good Book Boyfriend?
Let's be clear. I consume romance novels like Tony Montana consumes cocaine. Copious, obnoxious amounts. I. Am. An. Addict. Like all...

American Bad Boy-A Review
This was a sexy, sweet read. I loved that this novel was written by a guy. Mack our wounded warrior never stopped loving his childhood...

My Vampire Romance
Back in April I participated in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge and it Kicked.My.Ass. I had to blog every day using the letters of the...

Criticism vs. Shade
Full disclosure: I have not published my first novel yet (coming soon!). So the idea that I would presume to speak on this topic might...

Who is Haley Provost?
Meet Haley Provost, the heroine of my debut novel Her Protector due out November 2016. Although billionairess business woman and...

Meet Your Next Book Boyfriend-Asher Sullivan
Meet Asher Sullivan, the hero of my debut novel Her Protector due out November 2016. Here is a glimpse of Asher in all his sweet alpha...

Books On Writing
Follow my blog on Bloglovin As a writer, I love books that talk about the craft of writing. There are thousands of books out there that...

Why I Write Interracial Romance
As I approach the completion of my first novel “Her Protector”, I am facing many business decisions. One of those decisions is the cover...